Mivel a //Composer// képes frissíteni a ''$config['plugins']'' tömböt, így érdemes azt csak a //Com... },
"minimum-stability": "dev"
* ''config/config.inc.php'': <file php config.inc.php>
// ----------------------------------
// -----------
t, but this behavior can be enabled in the [[doku>config]] file. Hint: If DokuWiki is a link, then it's en... quotes". They can be turned off through a [[doku>config:typography|config option]].
===== Quoting =====
Some times you want to mark some text to show it's a re... description| show the item description. If [[doku>config:htmlok|HTML]] is disabled all tags will be stripp
- Create a file called 'deployment.config' in this directory and open with Notepad.Copy the... ile ini C:\Windows\sun\java\deployment\deployment.config>
deployment.system.config = file\:\\C\:\\WINDOWS\\Sun\\Java\\Deployment\\deployment.properties
deployment.system.config.mandatory = true
- Create a file called
to my backup host later on.
Once I had the above config file, I needed to run the following commands.
<c... a second host to the setup, by adding this to the config file.
<code python>
on myhost.mydomain2 {