
Core Protect

Quick Command Overview

You can access the commands using either /coreprotect, /core, or /co.

Shortcut Commands:

List of commands

/co help

Display a list of commands in-game.

/co inspect

Enable the inspector. Type the command again to disable it. You can also use just /co i.

/co rollback u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>

Nearly all of the parameters are optional. Shortcut: /co rb.


Specify a user to rollback.
Example: u:Notch


Specify the amount of time to rollback

You can specify weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
Example: t:2w,5d,7h,2m,10s

You can pick and choose time amounts.
Example: t:5d2h

You can also use decimals
Example: t:2.50h (2 and a half hours)


Specify a radius.
You can use this to only rollback blocks near you.

You can specify a number (e.g. r:5), a world (e.g. r:#world_the_end), a global rollback (r:#global), or a WorldEdit selection (r:#worldedit or r:#we)

For example, the following would only rollback damage within 10 blocks of where you are standing: r:10


Restrict the lookup to a certain action
For example, if you wanted to only rollback blocks placed, you would use a:+block

Here's a list of all the actions:

  • a:block (blocks placed/broken)
  • a:+block (blocks placed)
  • a:-block (blocks broken)
  • a:click (player interactions)
  • a:container (items taken from or put in chests, etc.)
  • a:+container (items put in chests, etc.)
  • a:-container (items taken from chests, etc.)
  • a:kill (mobs/animals killed)
  • a:chat (messages sent in chat)
  • a:command (commands used)
  • a:session (player logins/logouts)
  • a:+session (player logins)
  • a:-session (player logouts)

Restrict the rollback to certain block types.
For example, if you wanted to only rollback stone, you would use b:1
You can specify multiple items, such as b:1,5,7

You can find a list of block type IDs at http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Data_values


Exclude certain block types from the rollback.
For example, if you don't want TNT to come back during a rollback, you would type e:46


Add a hashtag to the end of your command to perform additional actions.
For example, to perform a rollback preview, you would use #preview

Here's a list of available hashtags:

  • #preview (Preview a rollback/restore)
  • #count (Return the number of rows found in a lookup query)
  • #verbose (Display additional information during a rollback/restore)
  • #silent (Display minimal information during a rollback/restore)

/co restore u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>

Same parameters as /rollback. Shortcut: /co rs.

Restoring can be used to undo rollbacks.

/co lookup u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>

Same parameters as /rollback. Shortcut: /co l.

Lookups can be used to search through block data.

/co purge t:<time>

Purge old block data. Useful for freeing up space on your HDD if you don't need the older data.

For example, /co purge t:30d will delete all data older than one month, and only keep the last 30 days of data.

If used in-game, only data older than 30 days can be purged. If used from the console, only data older than 24 hours can be purged.

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